“Don’t wait. The time will never be just right” …Napoleon Hill


Improve your pronunciation, coherence, and confidence.


Improve your attention, comprehension, and receptive skills.


Develop better reading skills like skimming and scanning..


Perfect your grammar, vocabulary and writing skills..

How We Help:

We will discuss the IELTS Exam, what it is composed of, and how to prepare.  We will cover some of the effective study techniques and habits used by many successful students who have already scored high on the IELTS.
We will practice and prepare you for the different speaking parts of the IELTS. Practice and preparation is the key to doing well on this section.  A focus not only on pronunciation, but on how to organize your response to each question is key to a higher score.
Constant listening to native speakers is the best way to prepare for the listening part of the exam.  We use a variety of web resources in our teaching and homework to help you strengthen this skill.
It is not possible to have enough times during the IELTS exam to actually read the required text given to you.  We will show you techniques to quickly and accurately extract the information required for each reading part of the exam.



With short writing drills, we help you feel more comfortable with your organization, grammar, vocabulary, and spelling in your written responses  to the exam questions.



If you want to be taken seriously, use good grammar!

Contact us today for your Free Trial Lesson

Pleaae use the contact form below to inquire about your free 30 minute trial lesson or to schedule a course.

Our Price Options

Five Session (Focus) Course - $150 (US)

Five Sessions – (60 min)  This week-long course works as either a continuation of the main course or as a stand alone intense study of a targeted section of the IELTS.

Ten Session Course - $240 (US) - 20% Discount

Ten Sessions – (60 min)  This is a course focusing on developing specific skill sets necessary to score high on the IELTS.  Homework required.

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