The best way to predict the future is to invent it.” …Alan Kay

How We Help:


Initially, if requested, students may take an online 100 question multiple choice grammar test.  This gives us the ability to assess the student’s skill set based on the CEFR and establish a starting point for our classes. Depending on the results, part of our sessions will address any weaknesses in the student’s understanding of English Grammar

The student has plenty of opportunity to speak!  We work on pronunciation through conversation, presentations, and reading out loud with the instructor. Constant feedback is given to the student. Writing is also critical in the business world.  Special focus will be on emails, reports, plus any special requirements specific to the students work position.
Business English has its own set of vocabulary and business idioms. Based on the student’s industry, we focus on specific vocabulary designed to empower the student for optimal communication. Idioms often define the culture of a language as well as business.  The student will not only learn idioms and phrasal verbs but will understand when and how to use them.
We will tie everything together by discussing business etiquette; (the customs or unwritten rules governing behaviour regarded acceptable in business.) Email, presentations, meetings, conferences, special events, human resources.
Learning English is an investment of time and money. As an employer you will receive periodic evaluations of how your employee is progressing. As a private professional, you will also be receiving constant feedback. This will allow us to make any adjustments necessary in our schedule or course direction.



If you want to be taken seriously, use good grammar!

Contact us today for your Free Trial Lesson

Pleaae use the contact form below to inquire about your free 30 minute trial lesson or to schedule a course.

Our Price Options

Five Session (Short) Course - $175 (US)

Five Sessions – (60 min)  This week-long course works as either a continuation of either of the above two courses or as a stand alone intense study of a particular part of English: Grammar, Pronunciation, Writing.

Two Week Focus Course - $315 (US) - 10% Discount

Ten Sessions – (60 min)  This is a course focusing on developing specific parts of the English language. Out of class study with homework will insure the full benefit of this course.

Four Week Intensive Course - $560 (US) - 20% Discount

Twenty Sessions – (60 min)  This course allows for a more intense development of expressive and receptive English skills.Students benefit from a longer consistent study and practice program.

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